Monstera Borsigiana

If you love the iconic look of Monstera deliciosa but want something slightly smaller and quicker to mature, Monstera Borsigiana might be your perfect plant match! Whether considered a distinct species or a variety of Monstera deliciosa, this beauty offers the same tropical vibes in a more manageable size. Let’s explore how to care for this lovely aroid and help it thrive.

credit: Lomi

Monstera Borsigiana Profile

  • Scientific Name: Potentially Monstera deliciosa var. borsigiana (if highlighting the variety stance), or Monstera borsigiana (if treated as its own species).
  • Origin: Central America, like its larger cousin, Monstera deliciosa.
  • Fun Facts:
    • Develops its characteristic leaf splits (fenestrations) at a younger age than Monstera deliciosa.
    • Notable for its thinner stems and slightly smaller leaves overall.

Key Care Requirements

  • Light: Loves bright, indirect light. Think near an east-facing window or a few feet back from a southern or western exposure.
  • Water: Let the top inch or two of soil dry out between waterings. Borsigiana is slightly more forgiving with underwatering than overwatering.
  • Soil: A well-draining mix is essential. Chunky aroid mix or a homemade blend of potting soil, perlite, and orchid bark works well.
  • Humidity: Appreciates moderate humidity (around 50%), but tolerates average household humidity better than some other Monsteras.
  • Temperature: Prefers typical household temperatures (65-85°F). Protect from cold drafts.
  • Fertilizer: A balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer applied monthly during spring and summer will support healthy growth.

Advanced Tips

  • Support: A moss pole or trellis encourages that gorgeous climbing growth habit that leads to larger leaves with more fenestrations.
  • Pruning: Use pruning to control the size and shape of your Borsigiana. The cuttings make perfect propagation material!
  • Borsigiana vs. Deliciosa: If you’re curious about the differences and the ongoing taxonomic debate, [insert a link to a resource covering this].

Troubleshooting Common Problems

  • Yellowing leaves: Check soil moisture (overwatering is the usual suspect), ensure adequate light, and consider if it’s time to fertilize.
  • Pests: Mealybugs, spider mites, and scale are potential pests. Stay vigilant and treat infestations early.
  • No growth or small, plain leaves: Often means your plant needs more light or structural support to climb.

Making the Most of Your Borsigiana

  • Where to Buy: Consider reputable online aroid sellers, or seek out a local nursery with a good tropical selection. Look for vibrant, pest-free plants.
  • Price Insights: Prices vary, but expect a small Borsigiana to be in the $20-$40 range, with mature plants costing more.
  • Growth & Size: Much depends on if you provide support. Climbing Monstera Borsigiana can reach 6-8 feet tall, while a bushy, contained plant will stay significantly smaller.
  • Styling Inspiration: [Include 2-3 images of Borsigiana styled on a pole, cascading from a hanger, and pruned for a compact look]
  • Propagation: Stem cuttings with a node root easily in water or a moist sphagnum moss mix.
  • Elevating Your Experience: A beautiful pot, a natural moss pole, and a simple humidifier make caring for your Borsigiana even more enjoyable!


Monstera Borsigiana is a fantastic choice for plant lovers who adore the iconic Monstera but want something with a bit faster growth and a smaller footprint. With a little understanding, you’ll be rewarded with lush, fenestrated foliage in no time!






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