Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Monstera Esqueleto

    Get ready for a plant that seamlessly blends beauty with a touch of the bizarre – the Monstera Esqueleto! Also known as the Swiss Cheese Vine, this Monstera species earns its nicknames from its extraordinary leaves. Large, heart-shaped, and adorned with a labyrinth of holes and splits, they resemble intricate botanical skeletons! Ready to add…

  • Monstera Epipremnoides

    If you’re fascinated by plants with dramatic foliage, get ready to meet Monstera Epipremnoides! Often called the “Swiss Cheese Vine” or “Esqueleto” (skeleton in Spanish), this striking aroid is known for its large, heart-shaped leaves adorned with an intricate network of holes and splits. While it has a few specific needs, a little understanding will…

  • Monstera Dubia

    If you’re intrigued by Monsteras but want something strikingly different, Monstera Dubia might just be your new plant obsession! Known as the Shingle Plant, this unique aroid features heart-shaped leaves that lay flat against a surface as it climbs, creating a stunning natural mosaic effect. While different from the typical Monstera look, caring for Monstera…

  • Monstera Borsigiana

    If you love the iconic look of Monstera deliciosa but want something slightly smaller and quicker to mature, Monstera Borsigiana might be your perfect plant match! Whether considered a distinct species or a variety of Monstera deliciosa, this beauty offers the same tropical vibes in a more manageable size. Let’s explore how to care for…

  • Monstera Anthurium Warocqueanum

    With its majestic, velvety leaves and dramatic presence, the Monstera Anthurium Warocqueanum rightfully holds the title “Queen Anthurium.” While slightly more demanding than some of its Monstera cousins, you can unlock the secrets to successfully caring for this stunning plant with the right knowledge. Let’s dive into the essentials for keeping your Queen Anthurium thriving.…

  • Monstera Albo Variegata

    If you’re a plant lover, chances are you’ve swooned over the Monstera Albo Variegata. Its stunning leaves with splashes of creamy white variegation make it a true collector’s item. While caring for this variegated beauty requires attention, it’s well worth the effort for its extraordinary appearance. Let’s dive into the essentials and help your Monstera…

  • Monstera Adansonii

    If you’re looking for a statement houseplant with eye-catching foliage, the Monstera Adansonii (sometimes called the Swiss Cheese plant) might be your perfect match. With its heart-shaped leaves boasting those iconic ‘holes,’ it’s sure to turn heads. Don’t be intimidated – this tropical beauty is remarkably easy to care for! Let’s dive in and ensure…

  • Mini Monstera

    Mini monsteras are all the rage, and for good reason! Their unique split leaves and relatively easy care make them amazing houseplant additions. Let’s dig into the key elements that will keep your mini monstera happy, healthy, and absolutely stunning. Getting the Light Just Right Mini monsteras crave bright, indirect light. Think about how sunlight filters through the leaves of…

  • Pachypodium Saundersii

    Are you ready to add a unique and captivating touch to your indoor or outdoor space? The Pachypodium saundersii, also known as the Kudu Lily, is a rare succulent with a personality that shines as bright as its flowers. This South African and Madagascar native is sure to catch the eye of plant enthusiasts and…

  • Pachypodium Succulentum

    If you’re looking to add a touch of the unusual and captivating to your plant collection, then the Pachypodium succulentum is the perfect choice. This remarkable plant hails from South Africa and boasts features that set it apart from your standard succulents. Meet the “Madagascar Palm” Although nicknamed the “Madagascar palm,” the Pachypodium succulentum isn’t…

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